We’re dedicated to providing exceptional customer service.
Omnitracs’ support staff includes internally-sourced technical consultants who have extensive experience with our products and solutions. Service is available for all products and platforms 24/7/365.
For support policies and procedures and helpful tips prior to contacting Omnitracs, click below the Omnitracs Product Support Guide:
Click below for a listing of certified devices:
Omnitracs Certified Device List
Go to https://omnitracs.statusdashboard.com for the latest status on our services
Omnitracs Support
(800) 541-7490
- Option 1: Automated Resets for IVG units
- Option 9: Appuyez sur le 9 pour le Francais
Email Support
- IVG and non-tablet ELDs: essupport@omnitracs.com
- XRS: xrssupport@omnitracs.com
- OT1: ot1support@omnitracs.com
- Roadnet: roadnetsupport@omnitracs.com
- IVG, and XRS https://customer.omnitracs.com/training/
- Roadnet – Users can Access the Support & Learning Website via the Help drop-down within the application
Omnitracs Technical Support
Technical Support (24/7/365)
When to contact?
- Technical problems with equipment, applications, or integration
1 (800) 541 7490 Option 2
Omnitracs Customer Success Support
Customer Success for US, Canada and SmartDrive accounts
When to contact?
- General questions about your account
- How- to questions
- Questions about your Account, Unit, Application setup
1 (800) 541 7490 Option 3
Email Support:
- SmartDrive Products for US accounts: csmsupport@omnitracs.com
- Omnitracs Products for US and Canadian accounts: csmhelp@omnitracs.com
Orders, Returns & Transfers
Orders, Returns & Transfers of Omnitracs Products (M – F 8 am to 6 pm CT)
When to contact?
- Place an order or check status (Note: not available for customers who purchase from a 3rd Party)
- Replace faulty equipment (RMA)
- Transfer units between accounts
1 (800) 541 7490 Option 4
Order Management: (M – F 8am to 6pm)
- Omnitracs IVG and Omnitracs One: Omnitracs-Orders@omnitracs.com
- XRS: XRS-Orders@omnitracs.com
- Roadnet Orders: Roadnet-Orders@omnitracs.com
- Canada ES: Omnitracs-Canada-Orders@omnitracs.com
- SmartDrive: parts-service@smartdrive.net
Returns (RMAs): (M – F 8am to 6pm)
- Omnitracs IVG and Omnitracs One Products: Omnitracs-Returns@omnitracs.com
- XRS: XRS-Returns@omnitracs.com
- Roadnet: Roadnet-Returns@omnitracs.com
- Canada ES: Omnitracs-Canada-Returns@omnitracs.com
Omnitracs Billing
Billing questions or to Pay your bill (M – F 8 am to 5 pm)
When to Contact?
- Pay your bill
- Questions about your invoice
1 (800) 541 7490 Option 5
Email Support:
- Omnitracs IVG and Omnitracs One Billing: billing.team@omnitracs.com
- SmartDrive: billing@smartdrive.net
- ES Recurring Billing: billing.team@omnitracs.com
- ES Non-recurring Billing: billing.team@omnitracs.com
- XRS Billing : xrsbilling@omnitracs.com
- Roadnet Billing : bill@omnitracs.com
- Omnitracs Canada Billing : billing@omnitracs.com
- Sylectus Billing :ar@sylectus.com
Accounts Receivable: (M – F 8 am to 5 pm CT)
- Omnitracs IVG, Roadnet, XRS and Omnitracs One: ar@omnitracs.com
- Omnitracs Canada: AR@omnitracs.com
- Sylectus: ar@sylectus.com
- SmartDrive: billing@smartdrive.net
Omnitracs Sylectus Support
Toll-Free: 1 (888) 795-3288 / SYLECTUS
Local: (519) 972-1272
Sales: sylectus.sales@solera.com
Support: sylectus.techsupport@omnitracs.com
AR/Billing: ar@sylectus.com
Omnitracs México
Clientes Login
Si usted es un cliente y desea iniciar sesión:
Solicite una llamada
Llene esta forma y un ejecutivo de ventas se comunicará con usted a la brevedad:
- Ventas: admonventas@omnitracs.com
- Centro de Servicios: atencionst@tezco.mx
- Administración de Ventas/Crédito: admonventas@omnitracs.com
- Mercadotecnia: mkt@omnitracs.com
- Cuentas por Cobrar: creditoycobranza@omnitracs.com
- Recursos Humanos: rh@omnitracs.com
SmartDrive Global Technical Support
US Toll-free: (866) 933-9930
UK: 0800 0470968
SmartDrive Global Parts and Service
US Toll-free: (866) 933-9930 (Option 5)
UK: 0800 0470968 (Option 5)
Monday – Friday 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT